
StoFlights: Flight pal for smooth check-ins, was a case study I undertook during a recruitment process at a FINTECH. The app aimed to let people easily check-in for their flights. It was truly a very interesting and fun task for me to gather research and organize all my findings in the short time while also focussing on the visual design.

TIme: 24 hours

Deliverables: UX/UI Case Study (PDF)

Software: Figma

The Design Process

Problem Statement

The user needs a way to make quick and easy travel check-in from a single place, rather than having to check-in from multiple different airline apps.

Research Goals, Method & Insights

Research Goals

1. To look at current market trends

2. To understand current check in processes available for flights

3. To identify constraints with the various processes

Desk Research Specifcs

1. Mobile and webapps that had this feature



2. Lufthansa online check in method

3. Other flight booking apps with check-in option

Research Insights

There are 2 ways of flight check-in possible:

1. At the airport

2. Online via webapp/mobile app

I compared some of the online apps as mentioned earlier to study the steps involved in online check-in.  The steps involved are largely similar except for a few perks I observed in the generic (non-airline-specific like Lufthansa) apps.

Disclaimer: There were some limitations to my research since I couldnt find a place wherein i could book dummy itenaries to fully test these apps.

Current Check-in Process, Pain Points & Solution Hypothesis

Current Check-in Process

1. User gets an email notification

2. Clicks the link

3. Enter booking ref and last name

4. Add passport details and FFN if applicable

5. Select the seat

6. Tap agree, to the policy about goods & restricted articles

7. BOARDING PASS is available on download on your app, email or print out at home

Constraints & Pain Points

1. Some airports do not accept virtual boarding pass

2. Users may forget to check-in in time despite email notifications

3. Manual entry of all details everytime

Solution Hypotheses

1. Boarding pass generation at airport kiosk

2. Provide timely pop-up notifications for check-in

3. Possibility of activating auto-check-in

4. Auto fill from the itenary

5. Auto fill from the stored data in the app (as a registerd user)

Next, from the information  provided regarding my user, I drew up a Persona who likely resembles those who need this app to make check-ins easier.


Task Flow & Analysis

Scenario: User checks-in manually

1. User gets a notification to check in

2. User logs in to Stoflight on his own to check in

Task Flow

1. User receives notification to check in

2. User clicks on notification

3. User clicks on the flight appearing on the dashboard  

4. User enters First name, Last name & Passport number & Freq Flyer number

5. User checks the luggage in

6. User reviews details

7. User clicks on Check in User

8. Views the boarding pass

Task Analysis

Entry Point:              1. User receives notification

                                  2. User clicks on notification

                                  3. User enters personal and flight details

Success Criteria:      4. User views the boarding pass on the app

User Flow

UI Design Document

Low-Mid Fidelity Wireframes

No items found.

High Fidelity Wireframes

No items found.

Learnings and Acknowledgements

I had a lot of things to work on in a very short period of time. Like I said initially, this was only one part of the deliverables. The other one being a Visual design task. I must say, I am quite proud of the research and organization work I did here in the short period of time. Ofcourse, I constantly had the feeling of running against time. Nevertheless, at the end of the day, I was quite happy with what I had worked on and was able to submit. I received a lot of encouragement and critic for this work and the learning never really ends since we are in a constant state of mutation.

Thank you for reading this case study. I truly hope you enjoyed the read. :)

Looking to collaborate? Drop me a line.

(I also do pro bono work for eco-friendly and sustainability based projects)
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